Sunday, August 16, 2009

Update on the rest of the Selly family members

A little update on the rest of the Selly family members: Jace is talking more. He is doing more 3 and 4 word sentences. We are still working on potty training with him. He loves to play outside. Gavin is doing good. He went to vacation bible school at our church the first week in August. He really enjoyed that. He is so excited to for school start and for Sunday school to start. Levi is back to his normal work shift and hours AND weekends. It was nice while it lasted! The boys have been enjoying bike rides with Dad as well. As for me, busy as usual. There's always lots to do, appointments to go to, therapy to be done, paperwork to do, household stuff, family and list goes on. It's hard to balance at times. These past few weeks have been a lot with everything and with Kai being so fussy. So I am really hoping that we figure out what is making feel so uncomfortable. Nothing new on the house. We have had 2 people look, but it wasn't quite what they were looking for. We hope that some day soon our house will sell.

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