Kai is now 1o months old! I just can't believe it. I think it's so hard to believe because he does not look like a 10 month old. Last Thursday he weighed 15 lbs! I hope he continues with weight gain as he has not gain much in the last few months. He weighed about 13lbs, 12 ozs at the beginning of April. We have been working with a dietitian via phone. We have tried a few different things, but they didn't work. On July 22nd, we started amino acids with him. At first I thought he was tolerating it and was just fussy because he was sick. As time went on (3 weeks), he was still fussy. And he was fussy pretty much all day long every day! So we started to question the amino acids. We are currently taking a break from the amino acids to see if there is a change and we also have an appointment made with GI. At the end of July Kai had a feeding clinic appointment. We were still able to accomplish some things even though he had a sore throat. We have started some simple table foods with him, like crackers. Not too much, but letting him experience some different, stronger flavored tastes. I had found these rice crackers "Baby Mum-Mum" and they are just perfect for Kai. They are easy for him to hang onto, dissolves in his mouth and he actually brings it to his mouth. Kai is still doing some baby food. Not much an ounce to 2 ounces per feeding. We are also doing thickened liquid with him. He doesn't take much, but he does better with it than thin liquids. The thin liquids were too much for his mouth. He mouth inside isn't coordinated enough to handle thin liquids. So each day we work on oral feedings with Kai. He still gets his main feedings through tube feeding. He is now up to 118 mls (almost 4 ounces) and about every 3 hours (about 6 times a day). At the beginning of August Kai got his 2nd cranio cap. He out grew his first one. He will probably only be wearing this one for about another month or so. Kai is rolling all over the floor and is doing a little bit of pivoting when he is on his tummy. He still can't sit by himself (hopefully by his first birthday). He is a wiggly worm and wants to go. He doesn't like to be just set in a chair or bumbo. He is currently working on hands and knees positioning and side sit position. It's a lot of work for him and sometimes, he doesn't like it. He likes to stand, but the way his legs are right now, it's really not good for him. He has an orthopedic appointment on the 24th and I believe we will be talking about AFO's (leg braces) for him. Kai got his other hearing aid on Friday. It had to be remolded because it wouldn't stay in Kai's ear. They also added this wire to help keep it in place. He has been quite the trooper about them. So far he hasn't been pulling on them. I'm sure that day will come. Kai had a speech evaluation and he will be start speech therapy ( I believe in the fall). That's about all that is new with Kai. He has been Mr. Fussy Pants the last 3 weeks and hopefully we will figure out soon why. It's just not like him. He is normally a happy content baby.
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