This is an ariel shot. Our hole in the ground is outline in red.

Our neighbor took this picture from their yard looking at ours minutes after. The truck is parked in front of where the garage and house used to be. My car was parked next to the truck before the tornado and then behind after.

You can see our basement appliances all tipped over and block on top of the big chest freezer

Morning after, you can see the electrical pole that came through our basement. It knocked the one side of the basement wall over.

The red star is where we were just minutes before the tornado hit, right at the end of the electrical pole.

Another view of that electrical pole

The red star is where we were all pinned in. The green star is the homemade shelf that fell over and pinned is in...thank god for that.

Standing on the garage floor looking towards the lake

These tree were laid down by the tornado (Levi's mom's house in the background)

Debris in the lake, on the lakeside and in the trees

Levi's 4 wheeler that was parked inside our garage

Our lawnmower (that was just about 1.5 months old) ended up in our neighbors yard along with part of our grain bin

One of the trees that lined our driveway, that tree is still there just like that

Our neighbors pontoon wrapped around one of trees. I believe it was parked down at their dock

My wedding dress that was found in the lake. It wasn't torn or ripped. It was zipped up in the garment bag before the tornado. The bag was found unzipped and in a totally different direction than my dress was.

A lot of debris at the boat landing that washed ashore or that was found. The red star is on the door that was to our basement.

All the debris that was down at the boat landing. We think the pile of wood could possible be parts of our house.
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