Kai is moving all over the place. We had to finally put the gate back up at the top of the stairs. He does not like to just stay in the living area. He loves to chase after Gavin and
Jace. He is still just tummy crawling, but he can get places fast! He uses all of us upper body strength and basically drags his back end. Check out the video in the previous post.
Today Kai saw the
pulmonologist. From listening and looking at the most recent chest x-ray, everything looks pretty good right at this time. Still don't know exactly what that spot is on his lung. This doctor is going to try to coordinate a CT scan to be done at the time of his surgery. This will give him more information on Kai and then we will go from there once that is done. Otherwise right now, Kai obviously needs to avoid sick people and the doc said to make sure he isn't around 2
nd hand smoke. I don't remember all the technical stuff he said about some of Kai's pulmonary stuff. I might have to just a give another little update when I get the dictation from this appointment.
We finally got a surgery date for Kai. He will have surgery on Friday, December 18
th up at Children's. It's a little later than I had hoped for, but it was the earliest that they could coordinate with both of the doctors that will be performing the surgeries. It will be a busy day for him. Besides having the surgeries, he will also have some blood work done, possibly a skin biopsy, and hopefully the CT scan. Kai will then be in the hospital for about 3-5 days.
We get a little break from Kai's doctor appointments. No scheduled appointments now until December 10
th! It is a much needed break.
Until the next post!