Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Kai was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit at Children's Hospital Christmas morning. He was running a fever, was lethargic and dehydrated. At first they were worried that his small intestine was leaking (from after the surgery), but luckily it wasn't because that would have required surgery. They ran some tests and kept an eye on his white blood cell count. They knew that he had some kind of infection, but wasn't sure what exactly. They were thinking an infection in his blood, but still unsure. Levi and I spent Christmas at the hospital with him. He went from lethargic to very irritable and inconsolable. That was sign that he was starting to feel a little better. Then ended up giving him something similar to Valium to relax him. The next day he was slowly getting better, but still irritable. But least he was consolable that day. They started some pedialyte that day through his J tube and slowly increased until he got to 30 mls per hour. On Sunday, the 27th Kai got moved out of the ICU and onto the regular PEDS floor.

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