The boys keep very busy. It's definitely never quiet or dull around our house. Gavin is really enjoying preschool at Little Lambs. It's amazing how much he absorbs from school. He has just been a sponge lately. He is growing up so fast! I can't believe he is going to be 5 in a few months. Both boys are enjoying Sunday School as well. They have been busy practicing for the Christmas program at church. Jace is also really enjoying school. He loves riding the school bus! He is doing good at school and has had some really nice language improvement. He is still going to therapy every week as well. Jace's eating habits are getting a little better. He is more willing to try new foods. Last Friday, Jace had an assessment done at the Development and Behavior Clinic. He did really well. By the end of the day, they concluded that Jace has Overanxious Disorder of Childhood with Obsessive Compulsive Features. That's a big label! It was kind of a lot to take in, but we had already know about some of the OCD features. The physician that was there also notice that Jace had large tonsils and fluid in his ear that he doesn't have a tube in. This could be a reason why Jace doesn't sleep through the night. Recommendations that were made was to have the tonsils and adenoids removed, medication for the big label and possibly some in home therapy as well. Jace has an appointment with his regular doctor in a few weeks to talk about meds. And then he also has an appointment in early January with ENT. So hopefully once we get these few things taken care of, Jace will sleep better throughout the night have and maybe some of his behaviors will change. I will keep everyone posted as time goes on.
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