Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kai on PEDS floor

Kai on December 28, 2009

Kai got moved from the ICU to the regular PEDS floor on Sunday, the 27th. He is doing better. No more fever! He looks so much better than when he was first brought in. They still don't know what infection he had. They had him on two big antibiotics. They kinda thought, infection in his blood, MRSA, or a urinary infection, but they just don't know. They took him off of one of the antibiotics yesterday and so far is doing fine, so that is good. He has been getting pedialyte through his J tube. On Sunday, he was leaking a lot out the site of the J (leaking pedialyte). So, he was to give the J tube a break and just increase the fluids on his IV. Yesterday, they started the pediatlyte again and YEP, it started leaking again. So last night they put in a TPN, a main line IV. This will allow them to give him more nutrients. They are going to do this for about 2 days to give his intestines a rest. I talked to Kai's nurse this morning and it sounds like they are going to start with pedialyte again tomorrow. They are hoping that this leak will magically disappear. If it leaks again, then it sounds like they are talking about surgery. So right now, we are basically playing the waiting game. Kai will be in the hospital for at least a few days yet. He needs to be back on track with feedings and everything has to look good before he can be discharged. So that is the latest on Kai. Today I am taking a break from the hospital and trying to get caught up on things and spend some time with Gavin and Jace.

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