Thursday, July 02, 2009


Kai goes to Pediatric Therapy Services in Mankato every week. He works with an OT and a PT there. It is a wonderful place and we are thankful that Kai receives therapy from there. Kai is rolling around on the floor all by himself. He enjoys tummy time, but does get frustrated when he gets stuck or caught on his arm. Just this past week, Kai started grabbing his toes! Yay! We are still working on sitting. It will be so wonderful when he can sit up all on his own. We have also been working on oral feedings. He is not interested in the sippy cup at all, but we keep trying. He still does some baby food as well. Today at therapy, Lori tried dipping a nuk brush in kool-aid powder. Boy that was something for Kai to think about. He seemed interested. He needs a real strong powerful taste to have interest. We will continue to work with his oral feedings. Our #1 focus (beside health and safety) is weight gain. He currently weighs 14 lbs 14 ozs.
Kai at therapy practicing being on his hands and knees

Kai at therapy; he really likes this cow

Kai watching himself in the mirror

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