Monday, July 27, 2009

Jace is 3 years old!

Jace in the bumper boat
Gavin jumping off the diving board

Jace, Kai and mommy

Jace pretending he was driving

Jace and daddy going off the diving board

Jace blowing out his candle

Jace's birthday cake (thanks, Tina!)

Jace turned 3 on July 17th. He weighs 30 pounds (32%) and is 36.71 inches tall (30%). On July 19th with had a small birthday party for Jace at Grandma and Grandpa Selly's. We did some swimming and ate some nummy cake. A little update on Jace. He is starting to use more words and putting 2-3 words together. He still works with his teacher Becky. In the fall he will fall he will go to Early Childhood Special Education preschool. There he will be in a small classroom setting, he will continue to get OT and he will be starting speech therapy. Overall Jace is doing pretty good right now. Although right now his favorite word is "no". We are also working with potty training with him. He definitely loves getting the treats for going potty.

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