Kai on his tummy and starting to push himself up
Kai has caught a little cold. I really hope that it doesn't turn into anything major. He did pretty good, almost 4 weeks without being sick. This is the longest stretch he has ever gone for being healthy. Kai is still working on oral feedings. At times he has been taking more baby food. Usually it is anywhere from 1 ounce to 2 ounces. Still can't get him to drink anything orally. One day last week, I tried pop (I know that's not the healthiest choice, but wanted to wake up his mouth). I tried this through a straw. And he did it! He sipped some pop from a straw. I was so excited. It wasn't a measurable amount, but it something. I haven't been able to get him to do it again since. Last Wednesday, we started Kai on some amino acids. It just gets mixed in with his formula. Hopefully this will help with weight gain. A lot of people have asked about how he is doing with his hearing aids. His right one, we had to send back in. The ear mold was not staying in his ear very well. He seems to be adjusting just fine though. He doesn't seem to mind having the hearing aid in. He hasn't figured out how to grab at it yet. Sometimes it does seem like the noise bothers him, so we give him a little break and take the hearing aid out. Besides Kai rolling all over the place, that is about all that is new with him.
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