Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! We normally don't do a whole lot for the New Years. This year has started out with Kai still in the hospital. Today, Levi visited Kai by himself while I stayed behind with Gavin and Jace. We figured out how to chat to each other through web cam. This was pretty exciting for the boys, especially they aren't allowed to visit Kai at the hospital. I wish we would have figured this web cam stuff sooner.

Web cam visiting

Yesterday Levi and I spent the whole day with Kai. You can tell that he is feeling better. He played with some toys and showed some smiles.

Yesterday, they tried this idea on Kai to help with leakage. Yes, it is a bottle nipple. I don't think this was a great idea for Kai, maybe a newborn, but not Kai. It seemed to have irritated his site more than anything. They did take it off today.

Today cardiology saw Kai and said that everything looks good with his heart. So they took him off of the heart monitor. They have increased his pedialyte and plan to start with formula tomorrow. If things keep going good, hopefully Kai will be home with us soon.

1 comment:

Kimberly Kowach said...

He looks like he's feeling so much better. Hopefully he'll be able to make it home early this week, as planned. Love from our family to yours.