The boys are all doing well. Gavin is working on math skills already! I can't believe that he can do some adding and he's not even in kindergarten yet. I think math is going to be a strong area for him. For the past few months, Gavin has been working really hard at learning the alphabet in the correct order. Last night he says to me, "mom, I can sing my A,B,C's". So I listened and he did it! ALL the letters and in the correct order. He is still interested in games. Grandma has been teaching him how to play solitaire on the computer. And of course he still loves checkers. Watch out, Gavin is good too! Jace is doing good. His speech keeps improving all the time. He has become Mr. Chatterbox. It's great to hear him talk so much. Last week, he finally got to go back to school (he was out for awhile after having his tonsils and adenoids out). He was very excited. He loves school. He is learning so much all the time. The other day, he brought me letters for all the kids in his class; M for Mya and Miss Mariah, P for Paul, R for Riley, C for Connor, E for Emily and Eve, J for Jace and John, O for Osvaldo. It was great that he was able to pick out the first letter for each kid and then tell me their names. Jace has come a long way. I'm glad that Jace is getting all the help that he is getting. He is still quite the handful. He can be a very busy boy and takes a lot of my energy. Some days he takes all the energy right out of me. He is still going to speech therapy every week, but is not longer doing occupational therapy. We are also working on pottying with Jace. He is making it a little more challenging. He is very well capable of going potty on the toilet and be in underwear. Heck, most of the time he changes his own pull-ups. So the last few days, since we didn't really have to go anywhere, I made him wear underwear and said that he couldn't wear a pull-up. He has been doing pretty well. Hopefully this will continue. He really thinks that it is okay to pee in his pull up. Jace has also gotten better with his anxiety (with the help of his medicine). He is more social with people that he doesn't know that well. We have Jace's conference coming up in a few weeks. It will be interesting to see how he is doing in school. Kai...what an amazing little boy! It makes me so happy that he is progressing so well. Right now he is healthy! He is doing very well. He made some good weight gain. He will get weighed again on Wednesday, so hopefully he has gained some more. He is doing well with feedings. We are slowly working on some table foods with him. It will take time. Still working on liquids orally. It's hard for him since he doesn't really have mouth control. He is crawling around, chasing his brothers. He is pulling himself up onto his knees and sometimes on his knees without holding onto anything. Right now we are also working on sit to stand and standing (both with and without braces). He is just doing absolutely wonderful right now. It's just amazing how well he is doing considering all of his issues. This week he gets to see the neurologist, the feeding clinic and urology (post opt appt). It's going to be a busy week with appointments in the cities and everything else that we have weekly. And on top of all of that....getting ready for Super Bowl!
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