Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kai is 5 weeks old!

Kai is now 5 weeks old already! I can't believe how fast time is flying. He now weighs 7 lbs 2 ozs (according to the clinic's scale). So it is good that he is gaining weight. Yesterday he had an audiologist appointment and he did not pass the hearing tests. He has to go back for another hearing test. This one tests the different pitches. We know that he can hear some sounds because he is startled by loud noises. The doctor said that some may have a hearing loss in certain pitches. So we will see how he does on that particular test. Otherwise Kai is doing good. He will have occupational therapy (through early intervention) every week. He will continue to have the home care nurse come to our house every week.

Gavin and Jace are doing good. They are growing like weeds. I can't believe how much Gavin knows for his age. We have started potty training Jace. He is very interested. It would be wonderful to get him out of diapers.

I start daycare back up tomorrow. Although it may be challenging at first, I'm ready for the routine for myself and for the boys. Levi just got put onto 12 hour shifts for like almost the next week. That's a bummer. He basically works and sleeps then.

Until next time!

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