Tuesday, July 22, 2008
July 22, 2008
Well, I haven't been on here in a really long time. I do more blogging through my myspace, but not everyone is on myspace, so I thought I would start this up again. I have posted about previous blogs and most of you have already read about the updates, but they are on here for those who haven't.
Our boys are growing so much! We have accomplished some potty training with Gavin. He still has accidents every now and then, but he is in underwear pretty much all day long. Then just a a pull up at night. We are very excited about this and of course this will save on some money also. Now if we could Jace potty trained before baby comes, that would be just great! :) Jace just turned 2 last week and still gets into everything.
I have my regular doctor's appointment next week and I am always anxious for those appointments. Then I have my next ultrasound up at Abbott on August 4th and I'm extremely anxious to see how baby is doing.
We are starting to get things ready for baby. I had gotten rid of all the baby clothes, so now I have been rounding up baby clothes again. We just got the crib bedding last week and I just ordered the baby book. We have a lot of the actual baby stuff, so that is good.
Anyway, I will post a few recent pictures also. I will try to keep this more up to date for those who would like to keep updated on the Selly Family :)
Our boys are growing so much! We have accomplished some potty training with Gavin. He still has accidents every now and then, but he is in underwear pretty much all day long. Then just a a pull up at night. We are very excited about this and of course this will save on some money also. Now if we could Jace potty trained before baby comes, that would be just great! :) Jace just turned 2 last week and still gets into everything.
I have my regular doctor's appointment next week and I am always anxious for those appointments. Then I have my next ultrasound up at Abbott on August 4th and I'm extremely anxious to see how baby is doing.
We are starting to get things ready for baby. I had gotten rid of all the baby clothes, so now I have been rounding up baby clothes again. We just got the crib bedding last week and I just ordered the baby book. We have a lot of the actual baby stuff, so that is good.
Anyway, I will post a few recent pictures also. I will try to keep this more up to date for those who would like to keep updated on the Selly Family :)
Baby Update 7-7-08
Today we had another ultrasound up at Abbott and things look a little better than 4 weeks ago. Baby's hands are no longer clenched...this is good. Baby moved hands and fingers around and even grabbed at it's toes. The cysts on the brain have decreased to almost nothing...this is good. The cystic hygroma on the back of the neck has decreased also...this is definitely good considering this was a huge concern before. This doctor didn't seem that concerned with the baby's nose. He said because that bone is so small, it is really hard to tell. It was hard to tell if the swelling around the belly has decreased or not. The measurement of it is about the same as 4 weeks ago, but baby has got bigger, so it is hard to say. Baby has swelling throughout it's body and at this point, we don't know why. Since there has been so many things ruled out, we just have to keep monitoring baby and wait for baby to arrive to run more tests. I have to go back up to Abbott in 4 weeks (August 4th) for another ultrasound. If this swelling is like this towards the end of the pregnancy, there is a good chance that I would have to deliver up there instead of Mankato. My regular doctor also said that there was a good chance that I would be induced. This way, we would have the delivery more scheduled and controlled, so to speak (during regular business hours and more staff available). So now we play the waiting game again and anxiously wait for the next ultrasound. Overall things are looking better, so this is good. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers! Until the next baby update...
July 3
I had my regular doctor's visit yesterday. I have gained 6 pounds in the last 4 weeks, which is good. Baby's heart beat is nice and strong. Gavin came with me so he got to hear the heart beat also. I am measuring right where I am suppose to be at. It's too early to decide what I will actually need to do at the time of delivery...as far as maybe delivering up at Abbott and a c-section. But it did sound like there is a high chance of inducing me. This way it is more controlled and baby would then be born when more staff is around. She said that she will know more after my ultrasound on Monday. I have another appointment in 4 weeks and then depending on how this ultrasound goes, I may then go to every 2 weeks after that. My doctor also said that I will probably have to go for another ultra sound up at Abbott after this one on Monday. So we are anxious for my ultrasound on Monday. We will hopefully learn more then. I will keep everyone posted. Until next baby update....
Update - June 20th
At the beginning of June we finished our basement. What a nice relief! It is nice to relax a little in the evenings. I moved daycare to the basement. It is nice to have a separate area for daycare. I get to "go home" at the end of the day.
Some of you know what has been going on with my pregnancy, but for those who don't, this is a little update. I went in for my regular ultrasound on June 4th, hoping to find out if baby was a boy or girl. We were unable at that time to find out because baby did not cooperate and was curled up. Unfortunately my ultrasound did not go that well. There were 4 concerns with the baby at that point. I was sent over to see my doctor right away and she scheduled me for an ultrasound up at Abbott. I had my appointment at Abbott Northwestern Hospital on June 9th. Things with the baby aren't going very well. They did an amniocentesis. At this point the baby has swelling around it's tummy, 2 cysts on the brain, cystic hygroma on the back of the neck (this is probably one of the main concerns); all of this I knew at my last appointment. At Abbott, I found out that there is something wrong with the baby's nose, either missing a bone, the bone is shorter or something along that line and they said that the baby's hands were clenced. By all of this information, at this point it is being determined that there are some deformities with baby and baby has some kind of syndrome. At that point, chances of baby surviving were not good and it didn't sound like those chances were going to increase. We also learned that baby is a BOY. Which we were then able to rule out Turner's Syndrome since that is only in girls. We have gotten the results back from the amnio and that came back with no chromosomal disorders. This is good thing, because this rules out a lot of things. This is also a bad thing, because now we are left with the unknown. Before we knew this, there was some focus on baby having Trisomy 18. Which there is no survival chance, but that has now been ruled out. This week I went in for a blood test to rule out CMV and the result came back negative. So we keep ruling things out, but still left with unknown. I am scheduled for another ultrasound up at Abbott on July 7. Hopefully we will learn more at that time. So we just play the waiting game now.
Jace had tubes put in his ears (again) on June 11th. Hopefully this will help with his speech. Levi and I have been trying to work with him and his speech.
The boys are enjoying summer so far. We are trying to do more family things, since we have been so busy with everything since the tornado. This is all for now. I will try to keep this blogging more up to date.
Some of you know what has been going on with my pregnancy, but for those who don't, this is a little update. I went in for my regular ultrasound on June 4th, hoping to find out if baby was a boy or girl. We were unable at that time to find out because baby did not cooperate and was curled up. Unfortunately my ultrasound did not go that well. There were 4 concerns with the baby at that point. I was sent over to see my doctor right away and she scheduled me for an ultrasound up at Abbott. I had my appointment at Abbott Northwestern Hospital on June 9th. Things with the baby aren't going very well. They did an amniocentesis. At this point the baby has swelling around it's tummy, 2 cysts on the brain, cystic hygroma on the back of the neck (this is probably one of the main concerns); all of this I knew at my last appointment. At Abbott, I found out that there is something wrong with the baby's nose, either missing a bone, the bone is shorter or something along that line and they said that the baby's hands were clenced. By all of this information, at this point it is being determined that there are some deformities with baby and baby has some kind of syndrome. At that point, chances of baby surviving were not good and it didn't sound like those chances were going to increase. We also learned that baby is a BOY. Which we were then able to rule out Turner's Syndrome since that is only in girls. We have gotten the results back from the amnio and that came back with no chromosomal disorders. This is good thing, because this rules out a lot of things. This is also a bad thing, because now we are left with the unknown. Before we knew this, there was some focus on baby having Trisomy 18. Which there is no survival chance, but that has now been ruled out. This week I went in for a blood test to rule out CMV and the result came back negative. So we keep ruling things out, but still left with unknown. I am scheduled for another ultrasound up at Abbott on July 7. Hopefully we will learn more at that time. So we just play the waiting game now.
Jace had tubes put in his ears (again) on June 11th. Hopefully this will help with his speech. Levi and I have been trying to work with him and his speech.
The boys are enjoying summer so far. We are trying to do more family things, since we have been so busy with everything since the tornado. This is all for now. I will try to keep this blogging more up to date.
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