Kai is 20 months now! At his last weight check, he was 17lbs 10ozs. So he hasn't gained a whole lot. He is a very busy little boy! He is on the go constantly. He has really taken off on gross motor skills in the last few months. He cruises around furniture. Walks behind push toys. Climbs up and down stairs. Climbs up and down on the couch. He climbs on whatever he can climb on. It has been decided that we are not going to use his braces right now until his orthopedic appt. They seem to make it harder for him to move around and to move his legs. So I am anxious to see what the orthopedic doctor will have to say. As far as food, Kai isn't really take more quantity wise, but is trying more table foods. He loves the cooler ranch Doritos! He loves dipping foods in various sauces. He will eat chicken nuggets, french fries, tator tots, fish sticks, pop tarts, chips and more. But he only eats very tiny amounts. He has also started to drink some liquid through a straw. Although majority of it probably lands on his shirt, but it's a start. Kai does have two teeth now. He has the two bottom middle teeth. As far as speech, not a whole lot new there. He babbles a lot still and sometimes it sounds like he will say a word, but I think is concentration right now is in the gross motor department. He is definitely understand more and trying to communicate with us more in other ways. Kai got sick in May and was sick for about 4 weeks. During that time he spent a day in the hospital and a few trips to Urgent Care/ER. All they conclude was that he had a virus. At one point his cough was pretty bad and he did get set up with a nebulizer. Otherwise, he has been healthy. Kai is on the go constantly, getting into things and acting like a toddler should. Yep, he has toddler attitude as well. And don't little his size and cuteness fool you, he also picks on his brothers and fights with them. Kai loves being outside and being in the pool. Since we have a nice concrete driveway, we just put Kai in the baby walker and he can move around on his own. At the kiddie pool, we put him in a baby floatie and he can actually touch the bottom. So he can move around in there on his own as well. And to think that some doctors didn't think he would be doing this much. He is determined to prove them wrong!
Here is a picture of Gavin at Taekwondo. Yep his is on top of 4 mats. The kids were to try to jump over 4 mats and then do a kick into the black mat. As you can tell, this was a bit challenging.

Gavin is really enjoying summer. He is signed up for some summer activities and continues doing Taekwondo. He started swimming lessons last week and will continue those for at least the next month. He will be doing 2 weeks of soccer and a week of vacation bible school. He is very excited about starting kindergarten in the fall. He has been practicing writing words and even trying to spell some on his own. Besides him enjoying the summer, we have been trying to get down to the bottom of his allergies and asthma. He is on a handful of medicines and uses an inhaler and nebulizer as needed. He visited the pulmonoligist (sp?) up at Children's earlier this month. He helped us with a plan of Gavin's meds and wants to see what the allergist has to say. He wants to see Gavin back in October and will repeat a chest x-ray and a PFT. Gavin is scheduled to see the allergist July 6. So hopefully we will know more. In May, Gavin's coughing was pretty extreme a few times and landed him in urgent care. They ended up giving him a steroid to settle the cough.
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