Sunday, February 14, 2010

Kai is 16 months old!

Kai is 16 months old today! At his last weight check, he weighed 17 pounds 7.5 ounces! He keeps gaining, yay! Kai is doing really good. He currently is pretty healthy. He is moving faster on his hands and knees. He tries to keep up with the brothers sometimes. He is pulling himself up on his knees and not hanging onto anything. He can stand up against something for brief moments. He is also working on sit to stand and vice versa. It was suggested that we look into the start of getting a wheelchair for him. On Friday, we met up with the rehabilitation doctor at Gillette. She feels that he is not ready for one yet and because he is somewhat mobile on his own, that we would revisited the idea in August. As far as feeding, not a whole lot has changed. Kai recently had a feeding clinic appointment. They suggested to concentrate more on purees than to try chopped and bite size foods because he doesn't have teeth yet. He can have chopped and bite size, but to try not to focus the meal on that. It takes him longer to chew the food up and takes more of his energy. As far as teeth, Kai went to a pediatric dentist a few weeks ago. They want to see him in 6 months and if he still doesn't have teeth at that time, they will do a certain kind of x-ray to get a good look at his teeth under the gums. Not a whole lot else is new with Kai. Typical toddler stuff...gets into things he shouldn't, gets mad when something is taken away from him, says the word "no" and doesn't like it when he is told "no".

1 comment:

Nik said...

I love hearing(reading :-) the word "typical" in your posts.....