Kai turned TWO on October 14
th! He is one amazing little boy. At his 2 year check up he was 30 1/4 inches tall (1%), 19 pounds (1%) and his head was 19.5 inches (73%). In other words, he is tiny with a big head! He is one cutie pie! He has accomplished so much in the past year.

Kai is STILL in size
2 diapers and wears 18 month clothes. He is moving all over the place, mainly by crawling. He does cruise around furniture on his feet. He isn't walking yet, but can take a handful of steps on his own. He climbs on everything that he can (not a good thing in my eyes). Cognitively, he is definitely a 2 year old. He throws
tantrums and crabs when he doesn't get his way. He does a lot of things that are age appropriate, so that is wonderful! He has babbles more and has a few more words to his vocabulary. He can say; help, mom, dad, uh-oh, go, hi and bye (those are those clear ones) and he also says in his own way; thank-you and all done. I know there are more words that he says, but I am drawing a blank. He has been saying a few two word sentences like; help mom, uh-oh..help, uh-oh mom, hi daddy. There are times that he says things and you take a double take and think "did he just say that?". Kai still does PT, OT and Speech at Pediatric Therapy every week. And then for school, he does PT, OT, Speech, Deaf and Hard of Hearing and then a regular teacher. He is one busy little 2 year old!
We are still working on his feedings. He still takes formula through his tube feedings. He is now up to 27 kcal for his formula. He does 4 bolus feeds at 157 mls during the day and then the overnight at 24 ml/hr for 8 hours (we haven't been doing the overnights as often). He does a few more table foods, but the quantity isn't there. His favorite is Cooler Ranch Doritos! He loves the stronger flavored stuff. He loves to dip and just eating the dipping sauce! He eats a lot of regular toddler foods likes, chicken nuggets, french fries, etc. He is drinking more liquids orally. He uses a sippy cup and and a straw cup. He usually prefers juice and loves pop! He usually gets everything that the other boys get, but doesn't always try things.
He's got a few more teeth. I'm not exactly sure how many he has since it is so hard to look in his mouth. I know he has at least 9 that have popped through.
Like I have said, he is an amazing little boy. He is doing way more than the doctors thought he would be doing. I look at him today and he is one special unique little kiddo!
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