Thursday, September 02, 2010


Well, it is getting to be that time of year. School time is just around the corner...just a little over 4 days until school starts.

We are done with school shopping and the boys are ready to start. We had back to school night at Gavin's school. We had a conference with Jace's afternoon teacher (conference with the morning teacher is next week).

Gavin starts kindergarten this year and will attend school at our church. Jace will go to special ed preschool 4 mornings a week at the elementary and then 3 afternoons at the preschool at our church. They are very excited! I'm ready as well. Jace really needs structure and routine, he functions a lot better. Gavin is a little bummed that he doesn't get to ride the school bus. We only live about 7 blocks away. He doesn't understand that. It's hard to believe that our oldest will be in kindergarten!

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