Monday, September 21, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Kai is 11 months!
Our biggest challenge...feedings. We just recently started Kai on some medical food; Neocate Nutra (it's kinda like baby cereal). He tolerates it well and seems to like it. We have changed his diet a little due to him getting irritated by certain foods. We have cut out meat proteins, apples and bananas. So he is on a limited variety of baby foods. He still usually gets 3 oral feedings a day. He takes anywhere from 1 ounce to 4 ounces. He is currently up to 121 mls per feeding. We have been trying to do 5 feedings during the day and then either one feeding during the night or a drip feeding overnight. It's hard to do the night one. At the end of August, GI had decided to put on medicine to help move food along in Kai in hopes to increase his volume of feedings. This really hasn't worked. They have decided to switch him to G-J Tube (Gastrojejunal tube). He currently has a G-tube and that goes right into his stomach. A G-J Tube is a feeding tube (transgastric) that passes through the stomach through the gastrostomy into the jejunum (the second portion of the small intestine). From my understanding his body will absorb more of his feedings this way, eliminate so fussiness and acid reflux. They were talking about doing a continuous feeding (18-22 hrs per day). I'm not sure how this kind of feeding is going to work with a very active baby. Kai is scheduled to have this procedure done on September 24th. We should find out more what his feeding plan is going to be early this next week.
A little update on the house
Update on Gavin and Jace
Kai and his AFO's
Kai got his AFO's on September 14th. AFO's are "ankle-foot orthoses (braces)". Kai is really wanting to be in standing position. Unfortunately, it is not good for him to stand on his on feet without the help of these braces. These will help prevent deformity to his feet, help with the position of his feet, ankles and legs and also give him the support to support his own weight. He will only be wearing these when he is doing standing weight bearing activities. So far he doesn't seem to mind them. Right now he only wears them for brief moments at a time. He really enjoys the ability to be in standing position. He does get very wobbly; at the knees, hips, and upper body. It's a lot of work for him, but he seems to tolerate it so far.