Monday, June 15, 2009

Update on Kai

Where to start?? Kind of a lot in the past few weeks. Kai is still sick with his icky cold, cough, upper respiratory crud. I feel so bad for him, especially when he has a coughing attack. Hopefully he will get well enough by next Friday. He is scheduled for ear tube surgery on the 26th. The audiologist will be running an ABR at that time as well. He really needs to get these tubes in. I really believe that it is going to make a world of a difference for him. Once the ABR results come back, then we can talk about hearing aides for him.

Kai had an eye appointment. His vision is good! At his last eye appointment, he was showing some near sightedness (is that even a word???), but not anymore. He goes back in October.

Kai also saw GI that same day. We talked about his feedings and how he isn't gaining much weigh. She put in a referral to a dietician from Pediatric Home Service. We also decided that he would probably be better with a shorter button, so that order was put in.

Kai had a Gillette appointment last Friday for his upper extremeties. Basically there's nothing that can be done with his right arm right now. And even though his arm hyperextends, there are no restrictions as far as weight bearing activites. While we were there, Kai was also able to see his orthopedic doctor. We had him look at his lower leg that is bowing. I believe he said that is nothing to worry about. We did talk about legs splints. Kai should be getting those at the end of summer/early fall. He will probably not beable to support his own weight safely without those splints. We also talked to the doctor about the probability of Kai doesn't sound like that is in the cards. He really doesn't think that Kai will walk, but said something along the lines of either been proved wrong or something like that. We see orthopedics again at the end of August.

Today I talked to the dietician from Pediatric Home Service. We are going to ease Kai to the 26 calorie diet. Right now he is currently on 24 cals. She is going to work with us on Kai's feedings and will be checking in weekly.

Kai is reaching and grabbing more at things. He likes to roll on the floor. He will roll both from back to tummy and tummy to back. He gets stuck sometimes and then gets mad.

That is the latest on Kai. Until next time!


Kimberly Kowach said...

So much to do, so little time!! Hopefully he'll be feeling better to get his tubes, that will probably help a lot with the colds and "head sicknesses".

Much love to you and your family xoxoox

Anonymous said...

It is so fun to keep up with you and the family. Sounds like you've been busy, as usual. Shea sends a big "hello" to Gavin, Jace and Kia. He really misses you all, but is running everyday to either t-ball and/or swimming lessons.
The Hildebrandts