Kai is doing okay. He is now almost 10lbs. He smiles, coos, looks around and loves to be talked to. After the last time he was in the hospital, we have been trying to get him back on track with his feedings. We have come to the conclusion that right now he cannot handle large amounts of feedings. So he has a feeding about every 2 hours instead of every 3. He still does his continuous feeding throughout the night.
On Friday we had an appointment with the upper extremities doctor at Gillette. His right elbow is dislocated. Also his radius bone in his right arm is shifted down towards his elbow, so it does not line up with his ulna bone. At this point, they aren't going to do anything about it. She does not think Kai needs to do range of motion with his arms because he is moving his arms fine on his own. This doctor does not believe Kai is in pain because of it and will be seeing him again in 6 months.
Tomorrow Kai is having surgery up at Children's to switch from the G-tube to the Mickey button. This will be much comfortable for Kai. So we pray that everything goes good.
On Thursday, Kai will be seeing the ENT doctor. The will be doing a procedure called a scope (I think that's what it is called). Friday he has an assessment for physical and occupational therapy at the Pediatric Therapy Services. He continues to have early intervention in home every week along with his home care nurse. She now comes twice a week and helps out with some of cares.
I will try to keep more on top with blogging. It got so crazy busy at the end of the year. It is never dull at the Selly house. Both Gavin and Jace are doing good. I think they are a little stressed by everything that has been going on. They both start ECFE at the end of January.
Until next time!
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