Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is it time yet???

Well I am now 35 weeks along and ready for this baby to be out. I have been really uncomfortable and wiped out. I had an ultrasound done yesterday done here. They did a Biophysical profile, which the baby scored 8 out 8, so that's good. Baby weighs about 5 lbs 14 oz. The woman that was doing the ultrasound said that she thought she could see hair on the baby's head. Yesterday, I also was hooked up to the monitor and baby wasn't all that active during that time, so they buzzed my stomach a few times to get baby to move around. So far I have gained 34 pounds with this one. This was my last visit with my regular doctor down here until after baby is born. Oh and I haven't started dialating yet :( Next Tuesday we go up to Abbott. I am really hoping that they plan to take me earlier than 39 weeks. I also really hope that they set an induction date. I'm such a planner and would like to get things planned out.

We have been keeping busy with everything and the boys. Jace has been into the naughty 2 year old stage...he can be so naughty at times ;) He is also getting re-evaluated for speech therapy. So we will have to wait and see if he qualifies. He sees the audiologist this Thursday. Gavin started Sunday school a few weeks back and absolutely loves it. He also started ECFE last night and loved it. He gets so excited about going to "school". We think it is great for him. It nice to get him in a different environment and around different kids. We have decided not to do ECFE with Jace this Fall/Winter. He doesn't do well with separating, so I think it would actually be a little hard on him.

Bowling started late August. I have decided not to bowl this year, but to just be a sub. I miss hanging out with the bowling girls, but I just can't add to my already full plate.

Levi has been working a lot as usual. We haven't been able to spend a lot of time together lately. He has been absolutely wonderful and have been taking the boys off of my hands in the evenings so that I can rest and have a break.

Well, I will write again after my appointment up at Abbott.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Baby Update 9-4-08 at 32 weeks

Hello to all! We had our appointments up at Abbott today. We did not learn much of anything new about baby. Baby is growing right on target (weighing almost 4 lbs) with the exception of the arms. The arms are measuring a little smaller, but it doesn't seem to be a huge concern. The swelling on baby's stomach has pretty much stayed the same in proportion to baby's growth. They hooked me up to the fetal monitor for about an hour today and everything on there looked good. We don't see the same doctor every time we go up there, but this doctor said that they will probably be doing an induction at 39 weeks. It is too early to schedule that now. At this point it sounds like there is no reason to have a C-section done. We met with a neonatologist at the Children's Hospital today also. Of course, he didn't really have any answers for us either. We need to wait to see baby when he arrives. This doctor is feeling pretty optimistic about everything. He doesn't seem as concerned about baby having any major issues. With baby measuring up to where he should be, lungs and heart look good and baby being very active, things seem to be looking up for baby. Of course we really won't know anything more until after baby is born. So now we have a little bit of a game plan. The doctor requested that I be done with daycare at the end of my 37th week. At this point, I would be induced at 39 weeks up at Abbott. There would be a neonatologist there at the time of delivery to look baby over. At that time, it would be decided where baby would go. So depending on baby, baby may just stay at the nursery at Abbott or baby may go over to Children's Hospital. So once again, we play the waiting game. Today, I am 32 weeks and 2 days. Our next appointment up at Abbott is September 30th. Things just seem more promising and more positive. Thanks everyone for your support and prayers! Until the next baby update!