Friday, December 03, 2010


We have had a rough few months with Jace. We have been trying several things to help him. School is working nicely with us. He gets sensory breaks during his morning preschool and then we also communicate through a notebook. We also got Jace this squishy fish that he can have with him so when he feels anxious, he can fidget with it. And school has been okay with him having it there. Play therapist thinks he is regressing back to toddler stages, which some of his behavior is totally toddler like. Jace is like a puzzle to me. I wish I could get him figured out to help him more and so that we can have better days. I believe that his anxiety has increased, which could be the reason why his rocking has increased ALOT! He isn't sleeping through the night and nor does he stay in his bed. He gets up in the middle of the night and goes down to the couch and rocks. So, since he isn't getting a good night sleep that in turns affects his behavior. I called his doctor on Monday and just heard back from him last night. The plan increase his medicine to help with the anxiety. We are going to try this for a few days and see if this will also help with his sleep. If this does not help with his sleep, we will then start melatonin with him. Also, his doctor put in a referral for Jace to possibly start OT again to help with his sensory issues. They will have to do an assessment again, but I have already chatted with them about him so we will see how that turns out. Hopefully in the next week or so, we will see some improvement with Jace.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010