Sunday, March 22, 2009
Weekend of urgent care!
Well, it's been the weekend of urgent care. First we had Kai in Saturday for his sickness. Earlier today Levi cut his hand in 3 places from washing a vase and had to get 3 stitches for the one cut. This evening, Jace was in for pink eye. And he very much has pink eye in both eyes and it's bacterial. So he is on drops. Now Gavin's eyes are goopy and red. We just put in some drops from a previous time until we can get him into the doctor tomorrow. So it's been quite the weekend around here. I really hope that Kai doesn't get pink eye. Tomorrow is going to be a challenge to bring all 3 boys to the clinic by myself. I really hope that Gavin and Jace behave themselves. We have a really busy week this week and events planned for the weekend. Hopefully this sickness stuff will pass before then and won't interfere with our plans. Never dull around our place! I want a vacation!!
Kai is sick again! We had him into urgent care yesterday. They ran all these tests and basically came up with nothing. They did decide to put him on antibiotics just in case they were missing something. I feel so bad for him especially when he has a coughing attack. He is going back to the doctor tomorrow to follow up with his regular doctor.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Kai got his craniocap
Kai got his craniocap today. So far he doesn't seem to mind it. He has a follow up appointment next week and then he will need to have it adjusted every 2 weeks. He needs to wear it for about 22 hours a day. Gavin and Jace are going to pick out stickers to decorate Kai's helmet. Gavin made some comment after I put the craniocap on Kai about that he can now go ride 4 wheeling ;) Kai is still battling a cold and a nasty cough. I feel so bad for him when he has a coughing attack. He still isn't bottling much, but he is taking to baby food. He gets baby food about 3 times a day. He doesn't take a lot, about a tablespoon or more. I'm excited that he seems to like the different flavors. Today he tried squash and just a little less than half of a #1 jar! I hope this will help with his weight gain. He got weighed on Monday and is now at 13lbs 7ozs.
It is nice that the weather is starting to be nice. The boys are enjoying outside time. Until next time!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
5 months and pears
Kai is now 5 months old. He weighs 13 lbs 3.4 ozs. He got his RSV shot on Friday. He is doing good, with the exception that he has a little cold right now. Today he tried some pears. So this was the first time. He seemed to enjoy it. He probably ate about 1 tablespoon. It is a lot of work for him to do oral feedings. We just keep working on it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
RSV shot
Levi's health insurance finally approved for Kai to get the RSV shot. It has been a 2 month ordeal. They were saying that he doesn't meet the specific criteria. So Kai will get his shot tomorrow. Kai had physical therapy today. He did very well and did a variety of things today; tummy time, rolling, sitting, lifting his legs and worked on grasping at toys. I get so excited to see him do so well.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The latest at the Selly house
It's been awhile since I have posted so I thought I better write an update. Kai is almost 5 months now. He weighs just a little over 13lbs. He is growing, but at the bare minimum. He continues therapy weekly. He is working with bottling, different positioning, tummy time, rolling, head control, trying to grasp at toys and looking to his left (he favors his right side). Did I miss anything in there? It's a lot of stuff that he is working on. It's very exciting to see him try new things. When he was working on rolling at therapy (he was rolling on a wedge to have gravity to help), I was fighting back the tears. We are working really hard with his feedings, but unfortunately bottling is not going very well at all. I can't get him to even take a few swallows. It makes me sad that he isn't doing any oral feedings. Hopefully with the help of therapy, he will be able to eventually do some oral feedings. We are also working on trying to diminish his overnight feeding. This is going to be very tricky. That amount somehow has to be added to his day time feedings. He is only taking a little under 3 ounces (85mls) per feeding (every 3 hrs). We also want to get away from the overnight feeding for another reason. Kai is moving quite a bit in his crib during the night and is getting wrapped in his feeding tube. One morning his feeding tube was up by his neck. I'm worried that some how it will get wrapped around him tight or get stuck on something and his button get pulled out. It just seems when we have progress, then Kai gets sick and we take a few steps back. Kai was sick last week with some kind of stomach virus. It takes so much out of him and takes him a little longer than the norm to get through it. He seems to be doing much better this week. Yesterday Kai got scanned for his craniocap. He will get fitted for it next Wednesday. He is required to work 19-22 hrs per day. He will have to get it adjusted every 2 weeks. He also met with the rehabilitation doctor. At this point there is no addition equipment that Kai will need. He will probably have to have leg splints when the time comes. This will give him a little more support since he has such low muscle tone. Otherwise Kai is enjoying watching all the kids play around him. He is a very happy and content little guy who loves to be talked to and most often will crack you a big smile!
Gavin and Jace....they fight like crazy right now. Hopefully they will grow out of it soon. Gavin will be turning 4 at the end of the month and is very excited about his birthday. Jace has been improving on his speech. Every day he is saying new words. He also has had a sensory assessment done. He does seem to show some kind of sensory disorder. He with have the early intervention OT (the same one that works with Kai) that will work with him twice a month.
Levi's work has laid off 8 guys. Levi and the rest of the guys have gone down to 40 hrs per week, 10 hr shifts 4 days a week. So right now he just work M-R. Income wise it kinda sucks...he has worked 60-70 hrs per week for the last 8.5 yrs so this is a big change for us. It nice to have him home more and the boys really enjoy it as well. And I think Levi is enjoying just working 40 hrs a week and having some down time.
A lot of people already know this but I am downsizing daycare and cutting back. It was a tough decision to make. I have decided to do this because I need more time to work with Kai on a daily basis. I have let one family go to lower my daycare numbers. My plan is to continue to do daycare with the remaining families until I am no longer needed. It will allow me more time to do some of Kai's cares. There is such much to do with him and I feel bad that I don't get to everything on a regular basis. And then I also feel bad that Gavin and Jace don't get the quality attention that they need.
One last thing...we have a new baby boy in the family! Levi's sister had her baby yesterday (17 days early!). Lots of boys!!
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